Point Defiance Dahlia
by Ken Powers
Buy the Original Painting
13.500 x 10.000 inches
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Point Defiance Dahlia
Ken Powers
Painting - Watercolor On Paper
I wanted to try a few different things with this piece and attempted to combine elements of impressionism, realism, and abstractionism. I purposely wanted to stylize this flower a bit and subdue some of its vibrancy and intensity by muting much of the color that we associate with common dahlia flowers. I found this particular specimen at the Point Defiance Dahlia Garden in Tacoma, Washington but wanted to do something unusual with it. I have plans to do a few more dahlia paintings and am still pondering the direction to take with them. For now, however, this was just a very fun experiment. The original is painted entirely with Rublev 18th century reproduction watercolor paint on Arches 140# cold-pressed paper. I found the grittiness of these paints coupled with the texture of the paper really helped create interest in the background of the piece. The original is 13.5"x10" in size.
October 31st, 2010