Opera Rose
by Ken Powers
Buy the Original Painting
9.750 x 13.750 inches
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Opera Rose
Ken Powers
Painting - Watercolor On Paper
This is my third painting to use the newly reformulated Sennelier watercolor paints and my goal was to experiment with how boldly the paint can be used while still tolerating glazing to be applied over layers. The Sennelier Opera Rose is probably the most heavily pigmented I have ever used and even when applied fairly boldly, it still accepted a glaze of Sennelier Red without any issues. The "table" that the vase sits on is a very heavily applied Burnt Sienna with a glaze of Sennelier Red on top. Although brush strokes are visible, the Burnt Sienna held up pretty nicely and its character really came through. All in all, I am extremely pleased with the Sennelier paints and they may take over my palette for a while. The original painting is 9.75"x13.75" in size and is painted on Arches 140# cold-pressed paper.
July 21st, 2012